Tuesday 11 June 2013

Media & Journo Day at Sohar University

Sohar University Students' Affairs with the cooperation of the Department of Journalism, Communication & Media Studies organised its first Media & Journo Open Day from 14 to 15 of May this year.

The schedule of this first Media & Journo symposium is varied and comprises many activities that range from contests, talk shows, open discussions and sports activities together with different exhibitions.

Among the contests that attracted far much broader audience and participants likewise was the Radio Presenter Contest, conducted and organised by Dr Belgacem Mehdaoui with the assistance of Ahud AlMaqbali, a journalism student at SU. This consisted of a live presentation of a programme, a quiz on general knowledge as well as voice, presentation and studio presence of the participants.

Dr Dhia, Professor at Sohar University, also presented a lecture on "Writing News For Print Press". This was another angle from which Journo students can explore other facets of news writing in Arabic.

The Closing ceremony was animated by Mr Ahmed Al Kaabi for a talk with Sports Commentater Emirati Adnan Hamad.

It is worth noting that the closing ceremony ended late in the evening Wednesday with major participants given souvenirs gifts.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Asma Al Bijali
Level 3


Sohar-13 May 2013 the first student English day SES started open day under care Al Manarah book shop by title Dreams never die. The open day included on exhibition of continents, traditional tent and activities. The ceremony was divided into two periods which are evening and morning. Add to that the open day included also on, competition, drama show included with Operat and talent show for Sohar University's students included on singing, painting, and skating talent. In amphitheatre the SES presented movie from 2:30 PM to 4:00 pm and after that Karate period from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm. The closing ceremony started from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm which was include on national anthem, holy Quran, speech, Islamic chant, play (the entry visa), and then the awards.

Asma Al Bijali

Level 3


Sohar-Journalism and media department at Sohar University starts its day in 14 and 15 of May 2013 morning. The first day from 10 am to 10:30 am in open stage will starts by opening ceremony includes on reading holy Quran then media center word and the best broadcaster completion in radio studio at the University to challenge on the best broadcaster nickname. Journalism students in media center will present Eskinsh drama after media center word then visual show and Operat. After ceremony opening the exhibition will open from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm in exhibition room which will open it set of Sohar University's officials with participate of the University's staff and students. Ms. Musa Al Farei will talk about media and the culture of opening formation at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in open stage at Sohar University. In second day Dr. Deia Kther will do work shop about writing journalism article art in D0-5 room at the University. From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at open stage in the University Mr. Kaled Al Shkaili will talk about social media is completion or alternative. After that journalism and media day conclude by reading holy Quran, drama show, dialog with broadcaster Adnan Mohammed and awards ceremony at the end.

Saturday 30 March 2013

"We Educate" Campaign by SU Marketing Deparment

    Within Sohar University Marketing Department monthly activities, "We Educate" comes to conclude most of this month's activities and the Department engagement with the community.

All along the last four days of last week of March, the whole team were active to bring forth very enriching workshops and presentations targeting mainly the external community from secondary school students. Topics were various and range from career development, developmental processes to professional news writing.

Needless to say that the whole team of the Marketing and External Relations were wholly involved to make the best of the Campaign to reach its objectives and fulfill its tasks.

Mr Salim Abu AlSaad, SU Marketing Manager, Inaugurating one of the workshops

and here again another day

Miss Kawkab, SU Marketing Team Member, during one of the sessions

Mr Lazarro, Guest Speaker, during one of the workshops

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Varieties from Today's SU Marketing Dept News Writing Workshop

Mr Khaled, introducing workshop

Part of the audience

Here again other part of attendees

Mr Abdallah, Oman Newspaper Reporter & Correspondent, Shinas

News Writing; A Workshop at Sohar University

Within its various activities for this month, the Marketing & External Relations Department at Sohar University organised a workshop on News Writing today Wednesday at the main building of the Faculty of English Studies.

The workshop, conducted by Mr Mohamed Al Mamari, Reporter at Oman Newspaper, was an occasion for targeted SU Journo students and students from Al Tarif School to revisit and explore news writing from a different perspective.

Conducted in Arabic, the workshop was even an occasion for students to let interact their already acquired skills and knowledge with fresh ones comi
ng from an  already established reporter and correspondent to Oman Newspaper.

Needless to remind that this event comes within "We Educate" raising awareness tour that the Marketing Team at SU are conducting this week of March.


Mr Abdallah, 'on duty'

Part of worlshop attendees

SU Journo Students during workshop

Sunday 24 March 2013

Sohar University Offers Day-Out to Staff

Prof. Niaz takes part of Pulling the Rope Game
Dr Abood doing his best to WIN Pulling Rope Contest
Prof. Steve Celebrating, in his way, Winning Rope Pulling game

SOHAR UNIVERSITY offered a day out to its staff and families last Thursday at Al Sawadi Hotel Resort. In fact, this has become a tradition SU is establishing since some time now where the whole staff, administrative and academic, try to leave serious job behind and indulge into informal talk and social activities, and of course food.

This is one way of infusing enthusiasm and harmony among a family that is growing metropolitan.

Saturday 16 March 2013

11th Students Week at Sohar University

           Under the patronage of Dr Ahmed AlKindy, CEO of Oman Establishment for Press and Advertising, Sohar University celebrated its 11th Students' Week lately. Dr Abood Al Sawafi, Vice Chancellor of Sohar University inaugurated the ceremony with a speech addressed to students, their parents and attendees of the celebration.

The11th Students Week starting march 16 and continuing along the week ahead, was an occasion to students to perform their talents and skills. It was also a good occasion for students from the community to visit the University and enjoy and appreciate the different activities taking place during the event.
It is also worth mentioning that along with fares and exhibitions organised for the occasion, various activities were planned ranging from sports, culture, art, competitions and of course journo coverage of most of these. Journo students, together with the Media Committee, were ready to bring novelties this year with the help of Students Affairs Board and their own willingness to excell and bring forth what journo skills they have acquired so far.

                                                                                                       Aisha Al Mamari, Level 4 Student

11th Students Week Programme at a glance

Part of the Sports' activities

Mr Mohamed al Maqbali, DVC, and Mr Saif Sinaan, Stdents Affairs, admiring the various Corners

Dr Abood, SU Vice Chancellor with Dr Ahmed Al Kindi touring the Journo Corner